Have you booked your hotel yet?

Special offers are about to expire on some accomodation options for the Betard WSF World Masters 2022.


Remember that on our website there is a list of recommended places to stay in Wrocław during the World Masters?


Please take into account that:


– some special discounts apply only till the 16th of July – hurry to pay less for your stay!
– as this is the middle of summer and the tourist season in Wrocław is at its peak, there will be fewer available accomodation options every day
– putting off hotel reservations till the last minute might mean that your prefered hotel will be already fully booked.


Also, we are happy to report that there are already over 650 players on our entry lists!


Entries close this Sunday and if you have not yet signed up for the biggest squash event of the year, click here to join!

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